Source code for ewokscore.persistence.atomic

import os
import string
import random
from pathlib import Path
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple
from import h5py_utils

[docs] def random_string(n): return "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=n))
[docs] def nonexisting_tmp_file(path: Path) -> Path: tmppath = path.with_name(f"tmp_ewoks_{random_string(6)}_{}") while tmppath.exists(): tmppath = path.with_name(f"tmp_ewoks_{random_string(6)}_{}") return tmppath
[docs] @contextmanager def atomic_create_path(path: Path) -> Iterable[Path]: """Yields a temporary path which will be renamed to the requested path or deleted on failure. """ tmppath = nonexisting_tmp_file(path) tmppath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: yield tmppath except Exception: try: os.unlink(tmppath) except FileNotFoundError: pass raise while True: try: tmppath.rename(path) # overwrite when it exists break except FileExistsError: path.unlink(missing_ok=True)
[docs] @contextmanager def atomic_write(path: Path, **kw): with atomic_create_path(path) as tmpname: with open(tmpname, mode="w", **kw) as f: yield f
[docs] @h5py_utils.retry_contextmanager() def append_hdf5(path: Path, **kw): path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with h5py_utils.File(path, mode="a", **kw) as h5file: yield h5file
[docs] @contextmanager def atomic_write_hdf5( path: Path, h5group: Optional[str], **kw ) -> Tuple[h5py_utils.File, Optional[str]]: if not h5group or h5group == "/": with atomic_create_path(path) as tmppath: with h5py_utils.File(tmppath, mode="a", **kw) as f: yield f, h5group else: with append_hdf5(path, retry_period=0.5, retry_timeout=360, **kw) as f: yield f, h5group