
To distribute jobs to a Slurm cluster, one or more workers with the –pool=slurm option needs to be running. A client is in general unaware of this, unless it wants to specify Slurm job parameters for each job it submits.

Worker side

When started with the –pool=slurm the worker redirects jobs to a Slurm cluster.

export SLURM_URL="http://..."
export SLURM_USER="myname"
export SLURM_TOKEN="eyJhbGciO..."

ewoksjob worker --pool=slurm -Q slurm -n slurm@id00 \
    --slurm-pre-script='module load myenv' \
    -sp time_limit=240
    -sp current_working_directory=/path/to/data

Environment variables SLURM_URL, SLURM_USER and SLURM_TOKEN are needed to communicate and authenticate with the Slurm frontend. These variables can also be specified through the command line interface like this

ewoksjob worker --pool=slurm -Q slurm -n slurm@id00 \
    --slurm-url=http://... \
    --slurm-user=myname \
    --slurm-pre-script='module load myenv' \
    -sp time_limit=240
    -sp current_working_directory=/path/to/data

The option –slurm-pre-script=’module load myenv’ can be provided to activate a specific environment on Slurm in which the execute the workflows. This can be any command like conda activate myenv, source /path/to/bin/activate, … The environment selected in this way needs to be setup like any other worker environment.

The option –slurm-log-directory=’/tmp_14_days/{user_name}/slurm_logs’ can be provided when Slurm jobs should be logged. The {user_name} is the only string template variable available.

Slurm job parameters can be provided with -sp <name>=<value>. A description of all possible Slurm parameters can be found here.

Client side

The client does not have to do anything special. However you can overwrite Slurm job parameters specified by the worker or add additional parameters with the _slurm_spawn_arguments argument.

from ewoksjob.client import submit

kwargs["_slurm_spawn_arguments"] = {
    "parameters": {
        "time_limit": 360,
        "current_working_directory": "/other/path/to/data",
    "pre_script": "module load myotherenv",

future = submit(args=("/path/to/workflow.json",), kwargs=kwargs)
result = future.get(timeout=None)