Source code for ewoksorange.bindings.bindings

import os
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Iterator, Optional, List, Union

import ewokscore
from ewokscore.graph import TaskGraph
from . import owsconvert
from ..canvas.main import main as launchcanvas

__all__ = ["execute_graph", "load_graph", "save_graph", "convert_graph"]

[docs]@contextmanager def ows_file_context( graph, inputs: Optional[List[dict]] = None, load_options: Optional[dict] = None, outputs: Optional[List[dict]] = None, merge_outputs: Optional[bool] = True, tmpdir: Optional[str] = None, **execute_options, ) -> Iterator[str]: """Yields an .ows file path (temporary file when not alread an .ows file)""" if outputs: raise ValueError("The Orange3 binding cannot return any results") if load_options is None: load_options = dict() representation = _get_representation(graph, options=load_options) if representation == "ows": ows_filename = graph if inputs or load_options or execute_options: # Already an .ows file but modify it before launching the GUI (default inputs, varinfo, execinfo) graph = owsconvert.ows_to_ewoks(ows_filename) basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ows_filename))[0] if tmpdir: tmp_filename = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(str(tmpdir), f"{basename}_mod.ows") ) else: tmp_filename = os.path.abspath(f"{basename}_mod.ows") try: owsconvert.ewoks_to_ows( graph, tmp_filename, inputs=inputs, **load_options, **execute_options, ) yield tmp_filename finally: os.remove(tmp_filename) else: # Already an .ows file yield ows_filename else: # Convert to an .ows file before launching the GUI if tmpdir: tmp_filename = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "ewoks_workflow_tmp.ows") ) else: tmp_filename = os.path.abspath("ewoks_workflow_tmp.ows") try: owsconvert.ewoks_to_ows( graph, tmp_filename, inputs=inputs, **load_options, **execute_options ) yield tmp_filename finally: os.remove(tmp_filename)
[docs]@ewokscore.execute_graph_decorator(engine="orange") def execute_graph(graph, **kwargs) -> None: with ows_file_context(graph, **kwargs) as ows_filename: argv = [sys.argv[0], ows_filename] launchcanvas(argv=argv)
[docs]def load_graph( graph: Any, inputs: Optional[List[dict]] = None, preserve_ows_info: Optional[bool] = True, title_as_node_id: Optional[bool] = False, **load_options, ) -> TaskGraph: representation = _get_representation(graph, options=load_options) if representation == "ows": load_options.pop("representation", None) return owsconvert.ows_to_ewoks( graph, inputs=inputs, preserve_ows_info=preserve_ows_info, title_as_node_id=title_as_node_id, **load_options, ) else: return ewokscore.load_graph(graph, inputs=inputs, **load_options)
[docs]def save_graph(graph: TaskGraph, destination, **save_options) -> Union[str, dict]: representation = _get_representation(destination, options=save_options) if representation == "ows": owsconvert.ewoks_to_ows(graph, destination, **save_options) return destination else: return graph.dump(destination, **save_options)
[docs]def convert_graph( source, destination, inputs: Optional[List[dict]] = None, load_options: Optional[dict] = None, save_options: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> Union[str, dict]: if load_options is None: load_options = dict() if save_options is None: save_options = dict() graph = load_graph(source, inputs=inputs, **load_options) return save_graph(graph, destination, **save_options)
def _get_representation(graph: Any, options: Optional[dict] = None): representation = None if options: representation = options.get("representation") if ( representation is None and isinstance(graph, str) and graph.lower().endswith(".ows") ): representation = "ows" return representation