Source code for ewoksorange.bindings.owsconvert

import os
import json
import logging
from uuid import uuid4
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import IO, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union, NamedTuple

from ..orange_version import ORANGE_VERSION

    from oasys.widgets.widget import OWWidget as OWBaseWidget
    from orangecanvas.scheme import readwrite
    from orangecanvas.scheme import annotations
    from orangewidget.widget import OWBaseWidget
    from orangecanvas.scheme import readwrite
    from orangecanvas.scheme import annotations

from ewoksutils.import_utils import qualname
from ewoksutils.import_utils import import_qualname
from ewokscore import load_graph
from ewokscore.graph import TaskGraph
from ewokscore.inittask import task_executable_info
from ewokscore.task import Task
from ewokscore.node import get_node_label

from ..registration import get_owwidget_descriptions
from .taskwrapper import OWWIDGET_TASKS_GENERATOR
from .owsignals import signal_ewoks_to_orange_name
from .owsignals import signal_orange_to_ewoks_name
from .owwidgets import is_ewoks_widget_class
from . import invalid_data

__all__ = ["ows_to_ewoks", "ewoks_to_ows", "graph_is_supported"]

ReadSchemeType = readwrite._scheme

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def widget_to_task(widget_qualname: str) -> Tuple[OWBaseWidget, dict, Optional[Task]]: try: widget_class = import_qualname(widget_qualname) except ImportError: widget_class = None if hasattr(widget_class, "ewokstaskclass"): # Ewoks Orange widget node_attrs = { "task_type": "class", "task_identifier": widget_class.ewokstaskclass.class_registry_name(), } ewokstaskclass = widget_class.ewokstaskclass else: # Native Orange widget node_attrs = { "task_type": "generated", "task_identifier": widget_qualname, "task_generator": OWWIDGET_TASKS_GENERATOR, } ewokstaskclass = None return widget_class, node_attrs, ewokstaskclass
[docs]def task_to_widgets(task_qualname: str) -> Iterator[Tuple[OWBaseWidget, str]]: """The `task_qualname` could be an ewoks task or an orange widget""" for class_desc in get_owwidget_descriptions(): widget_class = import_qualname(class_desc.qualified_name) if hasattr(widget_class, "ewokstaskclass"): regname = widget_class.ewokstaskclass.class_registry_name() if regname.endswith(task_qualname): yield widget_class, class_desc.project_name elif class_desc.qualified_name == task_qualname: yield widget_class, class_desc.project_name
[docs]def task_to_widget( task_qualname: str, error_on_duplicates: bool = True ) -> Tuple[OWBaseWidget, str]: """The `task_qualname` could be an ewoks task or an orange widget""" all_widgets = list(task_to_widgets(task_qualname)) if not all_widgets: from orangecontrib.ewoksnowidget import default_owwidget_class return default_owwidget_class(import_qualname(task_qualname)) if len(all_widgets) == 1 or not error_on_duplicates: return all_widgets[0] raise RuntimeError("More than one widget for task " + task_qualname, all_widgets)
[docs]def node_data_to_default_inputs( data, widget_class: Type[OWBaseWidget], ewokstaskclass: Type[Task] ) -> List[dict]: if data is None: return list() node_properties = readwrite.loads(, data.format) if is_ewoks_widget_class(widget_class): default_inputs = node_properties.get("_ewoks_default_inputs", dict()) elif "_ewoks_default_inputs" in node_properties: default_inputs = node_properties["_ewoks_default_inputs"] else: if ewokstaskclass: default_inputs = { name: value for name, value in node_properties.items() if name in ewokstaskclass.input_names() } else: default_inputs = node_properties return [ {"name": name, "value": value} for name, value in default_inputs.items() if not invalid_data.is_invalid_data(value) ]
[docs]def ows_to_ewoks( source: Union[str, IO], preserve_ows_info: Optional[bool] = True, title_as_node_id: Optional[bool] = False, **load_graph_options, ) -> TaskGraph: """Load an Orange Workflow Scheme from a file or stream and convert it to a `TaskGraph`.""" ows = read_ows(source) description = ows.description try: ewoksinfo = json.loads(description) description = ewoksinfo["description"] except Exception: ewoksinfo = dict() if not description and isinstance(source, str): description = ( "Ewoks workflow '%s'" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source))[0] ) if not description: description = "Ewoks workflow" title = ows.title if not title and isinstance(source, str): title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source))[0] if not title: title = str(uuid4()) nodes = list() widget_classes = dict() if title_as_node_id: id_to_title = { ows_node.title for ows_node in ows.nodes} if len(set(id_to_title.values())) != len(id_to_title): id_to_title = dict() else: id_to_title = dict() for ows_node in ows.nodes: widget_class, node_attrs, ewokstaskclass = widget_to_task( ows_node.qualified_name ) owsinfo = { "title": ows_node.title, "name":, "position": str(ows_node.position), "version": ows_node.version, # widget version } node_attrs["id"] = id_to_title.get(, node_attrs["label"] = ows_node.title if preserve_ows_info: node_attrs["ows"] = owsinfo if widget_class is not None: default_inputs = node_data_to_default_inputs(, widget_class, ewokstaskclass ) if default_inputs: node_attrs["default_inputs"] = default_inputs widget_classes[] = widget_class nodes.append(node_attrs) links = list() for ows_link in ows.links: widget_class = widget_classes[ows_link.source_node_id] if widget_class is None: source_name = ows_link.source_channel else: source_name = signal_orange_to_ewoks_name( widget_class, "outputs", ows_link.source_channel ) widget_class = widget_classes[ows_link.sink_node_id] if widget_class is None: sink_name = ows_link.sink_channel else: sink_name = signal_orange_to_ewoks_name( widget_class, "inputs", ows_link.sink_channel ) link = { "source": id_to_title.get(ows_link.source_node_id, ows_link.source_node_id), "target": id_to_title.get(ows_link.sink_node_id, ows_link.sink_node_id), "data_mapping": [{"source_output": source_name, "target_input": sink_name}], } links.append(link) links += ewoksinfo.get("missing_links", list()) graph_attrs = dict() graph_attrs["id"] = title graph_attrs["label"] = description if ows.annotations: graph_attrs["ows"] = { "annotations": [ _serialize_annotation(annotation) for annotation in ows.annotations ] } graph = { "graph": graph_attrs, "links": links, "nodes": nodes, } return load_graph(graph, **load_graph_options)
[docs]def graph_is_supported(graph: TaskGraph) -> bool: all_explicit_datamapping = all( link_attrs.get("data_mapping") for link_attrs in graph.graph.edges.values() ) return ( not graph.is_cyclic and not graph.has_conditional_links and all_explicit_datamapping )
[docs]def ewoks_to_ows( graph, destination: Union[str, IO], varinfo: Optional[dict] = None, execinfo: Optional[dict] = None, error_on_duplicates: bool = True, **load_graph_options, ): """Save an ewoks graph as an Orange Workflow Scheme file. The ewoks node id's are lost because Orange uses node index numbers as id's. """ ewoksgraph = load_graph(graph, **load_graph_options) if ewoksgraph.is_cyclic: raise RuntimeError("Orange can only handle DAGs") if ewoksgraph.has_conditional_links: raise RuntimeError("Orange cannot handle conditional links") if not all( link_attrs.get("data_mapping") for link_attrs in ewoksgraph.graph.edges.values() ): raise RuntimeError("Orange cannot handle links without explicit data mapping") owsgraph = OwsSchemeWrapper( ewoksgraph, varinfo=varinfo, execinfo=execinfo, error_on_duplicates=error_on_duplicates, ) write_ows(owsgraph, destination)
[docs]class OwsNodeWrapper: """Only part of the API used by scheme_to_ows_stream""" _node_desc = namedtuple( "NodeDescription", ["name", "qualified_name", "version", "project_name"], ) def __init__(self, orangeid: int, node_attrs: dict): = str(orangeid) ows = node_attrs.get("ows", dict()) node_id = node_attrs["id"] node_label = get_node_label(node_id, node_attrs) self.title = ows.get("title", node_label) self.position = ows.get("position", (0.0, 0.0)) default_name = node_attrs["qualified_name"].split(".")[-1] self.description = self._node_desc( name=ows.get("name", default_name), qualified_name=node_attrs["qualified_name"], project_name=node_attrs["project_name"], version=ows.get("version", ""), # widget version ) default_inputs = node_attrs.get("default_inputs", list()) default_inputs = {item["name"]: item["value"] for item in default_inputs} # Note: OWEwoksBaseWidget must have these settings in the Oasys fork # otherwise `WidgetsScheme.sync_node_properties` will remove the # unknown properties = { "_ewoks_default_inputs": default_inputs, "_ewoks_varinfo": node_attrs.get("varinfo", dict()), "_ewoks_execinfo": node_attrs.get("execinfo", dict()), } def __str__(self): return self.title
[docs]class OwsSchemeWrapper: """Only the part of the scheme API used by scheme_to_ows_stream""" _link = namedtuple( "Link", ["source_node", "sink_node", "source_channel", "sink_channel", "enabled"], ) _link_channel = namedtuple( "Linkchannel", ["name", "id"], ) def __init__( self, graph, varinfo: Optional[dict] = None, execinfo: Optional[dict] = None, error_on_duplicates: bool = True, ): if isinstance(graph, TaskGraph): graph = graph.dump() self.title = graph["graph"].get("id", "") self._description = graph["graph"].get("label", "") ows = graph["graph"].get("ows", dict()) self._annotations = [ _deserialize_annotation(annotation) for annotation in ows.get("annotations", list()) ] self._nodes = dict() # the keys of this dictionary never used self._widget_classes = dict() for orangeid, node_attrs in enumerate(graph["nodes"]): task_type, task_info = task_executable_info(node_attrs["id"], node_attrs) if task_type != "class": raise ValueError("Orange workflows only support task type 'class'") widget_class, node_attrs["project_name"] = task_to_widget( task_info["task_identifier"], error_on_duplicates=error_on_duplicates ) node_attrs["qualified_name"] = qualname(widget_class) if varinfo: node_attrs["varinfo"] = varinfo if execinfo: node_attrs["execinfo"] = execinfo self._nodes[node_attrs["id"]] = OwsNodeWrapper(orangeid, node_attrs) self._widget_classes[node_attrs["id"]] = widget_class self.links = list() self.missing_links = list() for link in graph["links"]: self._convert_link(link) @property def nodes(self): return list(self._nodes.values()) @property def annotations(self): return self._annotations @property def description(self): if self.missing_links: description = { "description": self._description, "missing_links": self.missing_links, } return json.dumps(description) else: return self._description def _convert_link(self, link): """In Orange, a link must transfer data""" try: source_node = self._nodes[link["source"]] sink_node = self._nodes[link["target"]] source_class = self._widget_classes[link["source"]] sink_class = self._widget_classes[link["target"]] data_mapping = link.get("data_mapping", None) if not data_mapping: logger.warning( "link '%s' -> '%s' cannot be created in Orange because it has no data transfer", source_node, sink_node, ) self.missing_links.append(link) return for item in data_mapping: target_name = item["target_input"] source_name = item["source_output"] target_name = signal_ewoks_to_orange_name( sink_class, "inputs", target_name ) source_name = signal_ewoks_to_orange_name( source_class, "outputs", source_name ) sink_channel = self._link_channel(name=target_name, source_channel = self._link_channel(name=source_name, link2 = self._link( source_node=source_node, sink_node=sink_node, source_channel=source_channel, sink_channel=sink_channel, enabled=True, ) self.links.append(link2) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( f"Failed to create link '{link['source']}' -> '{link['target']}'" ) from e
[docs] def window_group_presets(self): return list()
[docs]def read_ows(source: Union[str, IO]) -> ReadSchemeType: """Read an Orange Workflow Scheme from a file or a stream.""" return readwrite.parse_ows_stream(source)
[docs]def write_ows(scheme: OwsSchemeWrapper, destination: Union[str, IO]): """Write an Orange Workflow Scheme. The ewoks node id's are lost because Orange uses node index numbers as id's. """ if not isinstance(scheme, OwsSchemeWrapper): raise TypeError(scheme, type(scheme)) tree = readwrite.scheme_to_etree(scheme, data_format="literal") for node in tree.getroot().find("nodes"): del node.attrib["scheme_node_type"] readwrite.indent(tree.getroot(), 0) if isinstance(destination, str) and os.path.dirname(destination): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(destination), exist_ok=True) tree.write(destination, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
def _serialize_annotation(annotation: readwrite._annotation) -> dict: data = _serialize_namedtuple(annotation) data["params"] = _serialize_namedtuple(data["params"]) return data def _serialize_namedtuple(ntuple: NamedTuple): return dict(zip(ntuple._fields, ntuple)) def _deserialize_annotation(annotation: dict) -> annotations.BaseSchemeAnnotation: params = dict(annotation["params"]) if annotation["type"] == "text": params["rect"] = tuple(params.pop("geometry")) if ORANGE_VERSION == ORANGE_VERSION.oasys_fork: params.pop("content_type", None) return annotations.SchemeTextAnnotation(**params) if annotation["type"] == "arrow": start, end = params.pop("geometry") start = tuple(start) end = tuple(end) return annotations.SchemeArrowAnnotation(start, end, **params) raise ValueError("cannot deserialize annotation params")