Source code for ewoksorange.tests.utils

from typing import Mapping, Optional, Union, Type
from ewokscore.task import Task
from ..bindings.owwidgets import OWEwoksBaseWidget
from ..bindings.taskwrapper import execute_ewoks_owwidget

[docs]def execute_task( task_cls: Union[Type[Task], Type[OWEwoksBaseWidget]], inputs: Optional[Mapping] = None, timeout: int = 60, **widget_init_params ) -> dict: """Execute the task (use the orange widget or ewoks task class) and return the results""" if issubclass(task_cls, OWEwoksBaseWidget): return execute_ewoks_owwidget( task_cls, inputs=inputs, timeout=timeout, **widget_init_params ) if issubclass(task_cls, Task): task = task_cls(inputs=inputs) task.execute() return task.get_output_values() raise TypeError("task")