Source code for orangewidget.utils.messages

"""Mixin class for errors, warnings and information

A class derived from `OWBaseWidget` can include member classes `Error`, `Warning`
and `Information`, derived from the same-named `OWBaseWidget` classes. Each of
those contains members that are instances of `UnboundMsg`, which is, for
convenience, also exposed as `Orange.widgets.widget.Msg`. These members
represent all possible errors, like `Error.no_discrete_vars`, with exception
of the deprecated old-style errors.

When the widget is instantiated, classes `Error`, `Warning` and `Information`
are instantiated and bound to the widget: their attribute `widget` is the link
to the widget that instantiated them. Their member messages are replaced with
instances of `_BoundMsg`, which are bound to the group through the `group`

A message is shown by calling, e.g. `self.Error.no_discrete_vars()`. The call
formats the message and tells the group to activate it::

    self.formatted = self.format(*args, **kwargs)

The group adds it to the dictionary of active messages (attribute `active`)
and emits the signal `messageActivated`. The signal is connected to the
widget's method `update_widget_state`, which shows the message in the bar, and
`WidgetManager`'s `__on_widget_state_changed`, which manages the icons on the

Clearing messages work analogously.
import sys
import traceback
from operator import attrgetter
from warnings import warn
from inspect import getattr_static
from typing import Optional

from AnyQt.QtWidgets import QStyle, QSizePolicy

from orangewidget.utils.messagewidget import MessagesWidget

class UnboundMsg(str):
    The class used for declaring messages in classes derived from
    MessageGroup. When instantiating the message group, instances of this
    class are replaced by instances of `_BoundMsg` that are bound to the group.

    Note: this class is aliased to `Orange.widgets.widget.Msg`.
    def __new__(cls, msg):
        return str.__new__(cls, msg)

    def bind(self, group, owner_class=None):
        return _BoundMsg(self, group, owner_class)

    # The method is implemented in _BoundMsg
    # pylint: disable=unused-variable
    def __call__(self, *args, shown=True, exc_info=None, **kwargs):
        Show the message, or hide it if `show` is set `False`
        `*args` and `**kwargs` are passed to the `format` method.

            shown (bool): keyword-only argument that can be set to `False` to
                hide the message
            exc_info (Union[BaseException, bool, None]): Optional exception
                instance whose traceback to store in the message. Can also be
                a `True` value in which case the exception is retrieved from
            *args: arguments for `format`
            **kwargs: keyword arguments for `format`
        raise RuntimeError("Message is not bound")

    # The method is implemented in _BoundMsg
    def clear(self):
        """Remove the message."""
        raise RuntimeError("Message is not bound")

    # The method is implemented in _BoundMsg
    def is_shown(self):
        """Return True if message is currently displayed."""
        raise RuntimeError("Message is not bound")

    # Ensure that two instance of message are always different
    # In particular, there may be multiple messages "{}".
    def __hash__(self):
        return id(self)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self is other

class _BoundMsg(UnboundMsg):
    A message that is bound to the group.

    Instances of this class provide the call operator for raising the message,
    and method `clear` for removing it.

    When the message is called, the arguments are passed to the message's
    format` method and the resulting string is stored in the attribute

        group (MessageGroup): the group to which this message belongs
        owner_class (OWBaseWidget): the class in which the message is defined
        formatted (str): formatted message

    def __new__(cls, unbound_msg, group, owner_class=None):
        self = UnboundMsg.__new__(cls, unbound_msg) = group
        self.owner_class = owner_class
        self.formatted = ""
        self.tb = None  # type: Optional[str]
        return self

    def __call__(self, *args, shown=True, exc_info=None, **kwargs):
        self.tb = None
        if not shown:
            self.formatted = self.format(*args, **kwargs)
            if exc_info:
                if isinstance(exc_info, BaseException):
                    exc_info = (type(exc_info), exc_info,
                elif not isinstance(exc_info, tuple):
                    exc_info = sys.exc_info()
                if exc_info is not None:
                    self.tb = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info))

    def clear(self):

    def is_shown(self):
        return self in

    def __str__(self):
        return self.formatted

class _OldStyleMsg(_BoundMsg):
    Class for handling the old-style messages.

    Instances of this class are instantiated by the old methods `error`,
    `warning` and `information` and added to the list of active messages,
    with their old-style id's as keys. Instance of `_OldStyleMsg` are not
    members of message groups.
    def __new__(cls, text, group):
        self = _BoundMsg.__new__(cls, text, group)
        self.formatted = text
        return self

class MessageGroup:
    A groups of messages, e.g. errors, warnings, information messages

    Widget's `__init__` searches for instances of this class among the widget's
    class member and instantiates them.

        widget (widget.OWBaseWidget): the widget instance to which the group belongs
    def __init__(self, widget):
        self.widget = widget
        # Note: active messages are stored in the dictionary, in which
        # the key and the corresponding value are one and the same object,
        # except for old-style classes, for which the key is an (old-style)
        # id. When we remove support for old-style messages (Orange 4),
        # this dictionary  can be replaced with a set.
        self._active = {}
        self._general = UnboundMsg("{}")

    def active(self):
        Sequence[_BoundMsg]: Sequence of all currently active messages.
        return self._active.values()

    def _bind_messages(self):
        def bind_subgroup(subgroup, widget_class):
            for name, msg in subgroup.__dict__.items():
                if type(msg) is UnboundMsg:
                    msg = msg.bind(self, widget_class)
                    self.__dict__[name] = msg

        # Iterate through all base classes of this message group.
        # Among the widgets in mro, find the one that defined this class
        # and bind all messages in the group to that class.
        # This is needed so that each message has its "owner" and that `clear`
        # method can clear only messages from the owner (see method `clear`)
        for group in type(self).mro():
            for widget_class in type(self.widget).mro():
                if widget_class.__dict__.get(group.__name__) is group:
                # MessageGroups outside widget classes (e.g. mixins)
                widget_class = None
            bind_subgroup(group, widget_class)

        # This binds `_general` -- and any similar cases in which a message is
        # added to the instance and not as class attribute
        bind_subgroup(self, None)

    def add_message(self, name, msg="{}"):
        """Add and bind message to a group that is already instantiated
        and bound.

        If the message with that name already exists, the method does nothing.
        The method is used by helpers like this (simplified) one::

            def check_results(results, msg_group):
                                      "Results do not include any data")
                if is None:

        The helper is called from several widgets with
        `check_results(results, self.Error)`

            name (str): the name of the member with the message
            msg (str or UnboundMsg): message text or instance (default `"{}"`)
        if not isinstance(msg, UnboundMsg):
            msg = UnboundMsg(msg)
        if name not in self.__dict__:
            self.__dict__[name] = msg.bind(self)

    def activate_msg(self, msg, msg_id=None):
        """Activate a message and emit the signal messageActivated

            msg (_BoundMsg): the message to activate
            msg_id (int): id for old-style message (to be removed in the future)
        key = msg if msg_id is None else msg_id
        if self._active.get(key) == msg:
        self._active[key] = msg

    def deactivate_msg(self, msg):
        """Deactivate a message and emit the signal messageDeactivated.

            msg (_BoundMsg): the message to deactivate
        if msg not in self._active:
        inst_msg = self._active.pop(msg)
            inst_msg if isinstance(msg, int) else msg)

        # When when we no longer support old-style messages, replace with:
        # if msg not in self._active:
        #     return
        # del self._active[msg]
        # self.widget.messageDeactivated.emit(msg)

    # self has default value to avoid PyCharm warnings when calling
    # self.Error.clear(): PyCharm doesn't know that Error is instantiated
    def clear(self=None, *, owner=None):
        """Deactivate all active message from this group."""
        for msg in list(self._active):
            if owner is None or msg.owner_class is owner:

    def _add_general(self, id_or_text, text, shown):
        """Handler for methods `error`, `warning` and `information`;
        do not call directly.

        The message is shown as general message. This method also
        handles deprecated messages with id's."""
        if id_or_text is None or id_or_text == "":
        elif isinstance(id_or_text, str):
            self._general(id_or_text, shown=shown)
        # remaining cases handle deprecated messages with id's
        elif text:
            self.activate_msg(_OldStyleMsg(text, self), id_or_text)
        elif isinstance(id_or_text, list):
            for msg_id in id_or_text:

class MessagesMixin:
    Base class for message mixins. The class provides a constructor for
    instantiating and binding message groups.

    Widgets should use `WidgetMessageMixin rather than this class.
    def __init__(self):
        # type(self).__dict__ wouldn't return inherited messages, hence dir
        self.message_groups = []
        for name in dir(self):
            group_class = getattr_static(self, name)
            if isinstance(group_class, type) and \
                    issubclass(group_class, MessageGroup) and \
                    group_class is not MessageGroup:
                bound_group = group_class(self)
                setattr(self, name, bound_group)
        self.message_groups.sort(key=attrgetter("severity"), reverse=True)

class WidgetMessagesMixin(MessagesMixin):
    Provide the necessary methods for handling messages in widgets.

    The class defines member classes `Error`, `Warning` and `Information` that
    serve as base classes for these message groups.
    class Error(MessageGroup):
        """Base class for groups of error messages in widgets"""
        severity = 3
        bar_background = "#ffc6c6"
        bar_icon = QStyle.SP_MessageBoxCritical

    class Warning(MessageGroup):
        """Base class for groups of warning messages in widgets"""
        severity = 2
        bar_background = "#ffffc9"
        bar_icon = QStyle.SP_MessageBoxWarning

    class Information(MessageGroup):
        """Base class for groups of information messages in widgets"""
        severity = 1
        bar_background = "#ceceff"
        bar_icon = QStyle.SP_MessageBoxInformation

    def __init__(self):
        self.message_bar = None

    def clear_messages(self):
        """Clear all messages"""
        for group in self.message_groups:

    def update_message_state(self):
        """Show and update (or hide) the content of the widget's message bar.

        The method is connected to widget's signals `messageActivated` and
        if self.message_bar is None:
        assert isinstance(self.message_bar, MessagesWidget)

        def msg(m):
            # type: (_BoundMsg) -> MessagesWidget.Message
            text = str(m)
            extra = ""
            if "\n" in text:
                text, extra = text.split("\n", 1)

            return MessagesWidget.Message(
                text=text, informativeText=extra,
                detailedText=m.tb if m.tb else ""

        messages = [msg
                    for group in self.message_groups
                    for msg in]

        if messages:
            self.message_bar.setMessages((m, msg(m)) for m in messages)

    def insert_message_bar(self):
        """Insert message bar into the widget.

        This method must be called at the appropriate place in the widget
        layout setup by any widget that is using this mixin."""
        self.message_bar = MessagesWidget(self)
        self.message_bar.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Ignored, QSizePolicy.Maximum)

    # pylint doesn't know that Information, Error and Warning are instantiated
    # and thus the methods are bound
    # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
    # This class and classes Information, Error and Warning are friends
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    def _warn_obsolete(text_or_id, what):
        if not isinstance(text_or_id, str) and text_or_id is not None:
            warn("'{}' with id is deprecated; use {} class".
                 format(what, what.title()), stacklevel=3)

    def information(self, text_or_id=None, text=None, shown=True):
        self._warn_obsolete(text_or_id, "information")
        self.Information._add_general(text_or_id, text, shown)

    def warning(self, text_or_id=None, text=None, shown=True):
        self._warn_obsolete(text_or_id, "warning")
        self.Warning._add_general(text_or_id, text, shown)

    def error(self, text_or_id=None, text=None, shown=True):
        self._warn_obsolete(text_or_id, "error")
        self.Error._add_general(text_or_id, text, shown)