Source code for orangewidget.workflow.config

Base (example) Configuration for an Orange Widget based application.
import warnings

import os
import sys
import itertools
from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, Iterable, List

import requests

from AnyQt.QtCore import QStandardPaths, QCoreApplication

from orangecanvas import config
from orangecanvas.utils.pkgmeta import entry_points, EntryPoint

# generated from biolab/orange3-addons repository

WIDGETS_ENTRY = "orange.widgets"

class Config(config.Default):
    Basic configuration for running orangewidget based workflow application.
    OrganizationDomain = ""
    ApplicationName = "Orange Canvas"
        from orangewidget.version import short_version as ApplicationVersion
    except ImportError:
        ApplicationVersion = "0.0.0"

    def widgets_entry_points():
        Return an `EntryPoint` iterator for all registered 'orange.widgets'
        entry points.
        return entry_points(group=WIDGETS_ENTRY)

[docs] @staticmethod def addon_entry_points(): return Config.widgets_entry_points()
[docs] @staticmethod def addon_defaults_list(session=None): # type: (Optional[requests.Session]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]] """ Return a list of available add-ons. """ if session is None: session = requests.Session() return session.get(OFFICIAL_ADDON_LIST).json()
[docs] @staticmethod def core_packages(): # type: () -> List[str] """ Return a list of 'core packages' These packages constitute required the application framework. They cannot be removes via the 'Add-on/plugins' manager. They however can be updated. The package that defines the application's `main()` entry point must always be in this list. """ return ["orange-widget-base"]
@staticmethod def examples_entry_points(): # type: () -> Iterable[EntryPoint] """ Return an iterator over the entry points yielding 'Example Workflows' """ return entry_points(group="orange.widgets.tutorials")
[docs] @staticmethod def widget_discovery(*args, **kwargs): from .discovery import WidgetDiscovery return WidgetDiscovery(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def workflow_constructor(*args, **kwargs): from .widgetsscheme import WidgetsScheme return WidgetsScheme(*args, **kwargs)
def data_dir_base(): """ Return the platform dependent generic application directory. This is usually - on windows: "%USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\Local\\" - on OSX: "~/Library/Application Support/" - other: "~/.local/share/ """ return QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.GenericDataLocation) def data_dir(versioned=True): """ Return the platform dependent application data directory. This is ``data_dir_base()``/{NAME}/{VERSION}/ directory if versioned is `True` and ``data_dir_base()``/{NAME}/ otherwise, where NAME is `QCoreApplication.applicationName()` and VERSION is `QCoreApplication.applicationVersion()`. """ base = data_dir_base() assert base name = QCoreApplication.applicationName() version = QCoreApplication.applicationVersion() if not name: name = "Orange" if not version: version = "0.0.0" if versioned: return os.path.join(base, name, version) else: return os.path.join(base, name) def cache_dir(): """Return the application cache directory. If the directory path does not yet exists then create it. """ warnings.warn( f"'{__name__}.cache_dir' is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) base = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.GenericCacheLocation) name = QCoreApplication.applicationName() version = QCoreApplication.applicationVersion() if not name: name = "Orange" if not version: version = "0.0.0" path = os.path.join(base, name, version) try: os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) except OSError: pass return path def log_dir(): """ Return the application log directory. """ warnings.warn( f"'{__name__}.log_dir' is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) if sys.platform == "darwin": name = QCoreApplication.applicationName() or "Orange" logdir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Logs"), name) else: logdir = data_dir() try: os.makedirs(logdir, exist_ok=True) except OSError: pass return logdir def widget_settings_dir(versioned=True): """ Return the platform dependent directory where widgets save their settings. .. deprecated: 4.0.1 """ warnings.warn( f"'{__name__}.widget_settings_dir' is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) from orangewidget.settings import widget_settings_dir return widget_settings_dir(versioned) def widgets_entry_points(): return Config.widgets_entry_points() def splash_screen(): return Config.splash_screen() def application_icon(): return Config.application_icon()