How to launch Orange canvas ?#
Orange canvas is a GUI allowing users to define and tune a workflow. It is used by several projects like est, ewoksfluo or ewoksndreg There are several ways to launch this canvas:
1. using ewoks-canvas application (recommended)#
ewoks-canvas /path/to/orange_wf.ows
launching the canvas with examples available:
ewoks-canvas --with-examples
python3 -m ewoksorange.canvas /path/to/orange_wf.ows
2. using orange-canvas application#
orange-canvas /path/to/orange_wf.ows [--config ewoksorange.canvas.config.Config]
python3 -m orangecanvas /path/to/orange_wf.ows [--config ewoksorange.canvas.config.Config]
3. using ewoks-execute application#
ewoks execute /path/to/ewoks_wf.json --engine orange
ewoks execute /path/to/orange_wf.ows --engine orange
python3 -m ewoks execute /path/to/ewoks_wf.json --engine orange
python3 -m ewoks execute /path/to/orange_wf.ows --engine orange