Source code for est.core.process.ignoreprocess

from ewokscore.task import Task

[docs]class IgnoreOutput(Task, input_names=["xas_obj"]): """Simple Ignore task when an input is provided but no output. Used in the case of pure display widget. ..note: each OW should define it own task to insure a safe conversion to ewoks """
[docs]class BlankTask(Task, input_names=["xas_obj"], output_names=["xas_obj"]): """Simple black task which will copy received xas_obj from inputs to outputs. ..note: each OW should define it own task to insure a safe conversion to ewoks """
[docs] def run(self): self.outputs.xas_obj = self.inputs.xas_obj
[docs]class IgnoreSavingPoint(BlankTask): pass
[docs]class IgnoreE0Calculation(BlankTask): pass