Source code for ewoksid22.h5_to_spec

"""Convert an HDF5 file to a SPEC .dat file

import os
import io
import datetime
import logging

import numpy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from import retry, File

from . import dirutils
from . import specutils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def convert_h5( raw_filename, outprefix=None, entries=None, outdirs=None, primary_outdir=None, retry_timeout=10, rebin_filename=None, ascii_extension=".dat", ): """ :param str raw_filename: full path of the Nexus file :param str outprefix: something unique to the proposal/session :param list entries: for example ["1.1", "1.2", ...] :param dict outdirs: :param str primary_outdir: :param str rebin_filename: full path of the id22rebin file :returns str, List[str]: primary spec output file and new entries added """ raw_filename = os.path.abspath(raw_filename) if rebin_filename: spec_filename = rebin_filename else: spec_filename = raw_filename spec_filename = ( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(spec_filename))[0] + ascii_extension ) if outprefix: spec_filename = outprefix + "_" + spec_filename converted_entries = list() outdirs = dirutils.prepare_outdirs(outdirs, primary_outdir) if "primary" not in outdirs: logger.warning("No primary output directory: not saving anything") return spec_filename, converted_entries if entries: names = {} for name in entries: scannr = int(float(name)) names.setdefault(scannr, []).append(name) else: names = get_scan_names(raw_filename, retry_timeout=retry_timeout) if not names: logger.warning("No scans to convert") return spec_filename, converted_entries # Save SPEC header when no scans have been saved yet has_new_data = False saved = saved_scan_numbers(spec_filename, outdirs) if not saved: first_scan = sorted(names.items())[0][1][0] start_time = get_start_time( raw_filename, first_scan, retry_timeout=retry_timeout ) specdata = create_spec_header(raw_filename, start_time=start_time) has_new_data |= bool(specdata) add_to_specfile(spec_filename, specdata, outdirs) # Save scans first_error = None for scannr, subscans in sorted(names.items()): if scannr in saved: # fscan already saved continue if len(subscans) != 2: # incomplete fscan continue # fscan with 2 complete subscans subscan1, subscan2 = subscans try: specdata = read_fscan_data( raw_filename, subscan1, subscan2, rebin_filename=rebin_filename, retry_timeout=retry_timeout, ) except Exception as e: if first_error is None: first_error = e continue has_new_data |= bool(specdata) add_to_specfile(spec_filename, specdata, outdirs) converted_entries.extend(subscans) if has_new_data: dirutils.copy_file(spec_filename, outdirs) if first_error is not None: raise first_error return dirutils.primary_file(spec_filename, outdirs), converted_entries
[docs]@retry(retry_period=0.5, retry_timeout=10) def get_scan_names(filename, title=None): """Get the subscan names for all scans in the Nexus file :param str filename: :param str title:id22 :returns dict: scannr(int)->subscan_names(list) """ with File(filename, mode="r") as h5file: names = list(h5file["/"]) def include(name): try: scan = h5file[name] except Exception as e: logger.warning( "cannot read scan " + repr(name) + " (cause: " + str(e) + ")" ) return False if "end_time" not in scan: return False if "measurement" not in scan: return False if title: stitle = str_from_dataset(scan["title"]) if not any(s in stitle for s in ["fscan", "f2scan"]): return False return True scans = dict() for name in names: if include(name): scannr = int(float(name)) scans.setdefault(scannr, []).append(name) return scans
[docs]def saved_scan_numbers(filename, outdirs): """Scans saved in the SPEC file. :param str filename: :param dict outdirs: :returns list(int): """ local_filename = dirutils.primary_file(filename, outdirs) return specutils.saved_scan_numbers(local_filename)
[docs]def add_to_specfile(spec_filename, specdata, outdirs): """ :param str spec_filename: :param list(2-tuple) specdata: :param dict outdirs: """ if not outdirs: return local_filename = dirutils.primary_file(spec_filename, outdirs) dirname = os.path.dirname(local_filename) if dirname: os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) for mode, lines in specdata: with open(local_filename, mode) as f: f.writelines(lines)
MOTOR_NAMES = [ ["tth", "om", "manom", "mantth", "mantr", "Dh", "Dhd"], ["Dhm", "Dhu", "spinp", "bluspin", "t1h", "t1h1", "t1h2", "t1x"], ["t1y", "t1rz", "t1trans", "robtran", "s3vg", "s3vo", "s3hg", "s3ho"], ["s4vg", "s4vo", "s4hg", "s4ho", "u26b", "chi"], ["d2dtran", "Dy", "Dyu", "Dyd", "Drx", "Dry"], ["mos", "rst", "rsg", "redtrans"], ["xtrans", "ytrans", "ztrans", "gasspin", "DET_Z", "DET_X", "DET_Y", "DET_RZ"], ]
[docs]def create_spec_header(filename, start_time=None): """ :param str filename: :returns list(2-tuple): """ specdata = [] lines = [] specdata.append(("w", lines)) if not start_time: start_time = lines.append("#F " + '"' + filename + '"' + "\n") lines.append("#D " + start_time + "\n") lines.append("#C exp User = opid22" + "\n") lines.append("" + "\n") for i, names in enumerate(MOTOR_NAMES): lines.append("#o{} ".format(i) + " ".join(names) + "\n") lines.append("\n") return specdata
[docs]@retry(retry_period=0.5, retry_timeout=10) def get_start_time(filename, scan): """ :param str filename: :param str scan: :returns str: """ with File(filename, mode="r") as h5file: return str_from_dataset(h5file[scan]["start_time"])
[docs]@retry(retry_period=0.5, retry_timeout=10) def read_fscan_data(raw_filename, subscan1, subscan2, rebin_filename=None): """ :param str raw_filename: :param str subscan1: :param str subscan2: :param str rebin_filename: :returns list(2-tuple): """ with File(raw_filename, mode="r") as h5file: gsubscan1 = h5file[subscan1] gsubscan2 = h5file[subscan2] if rebin_filename: with File(rebin_filename, mode="r") as h5filerebin: try: rebinscan = h5filerebin[subscan1] except KeyError: return list() return _read_fscan_data(gsubscan1, gsubscan2, rebinscan=rebinscan) else: return _read_fscan_data(gsubscan1, gsubscan2)
def _read_fscan_data(subscan1, subscan2, rebinscan=None): """ :param h5py.Group subscan1: :param h5py.Group subscan2: :param h5py.Group rebinscan: :returns list(2-tuple): """ specdata = [] fast_data = subscan1["measurement"] slow_data = subscan2["measurement"] if rebinscan is None: rebin_data = None else: rebin_data = rebinscan["id22rebin/data"] fscan_params = subscan1["instrument/fscan_parameters"] positioners_start = subscan1["instrument/positioners_start"] try: machine = subscan1["instrument/machine"] except KeyError: machine = {} try: robot = subscan1["instrument/robot"] except KeyError: robot = {} # Scan parameters scannr =[1:].split(".")[0] start_time = str_from_dataset(subscan1["start_time"]) start_pos = float(fscan_params["start_pos"][()]) step = float(fscan_params["step_size"][()]) no_scan_points = float(fscan_params["npoints"][()]) acq_time = float(fscan_params["acq_time"][()]) end_pos = "{:.2f}".format(start_pos + step * no_scan_points) deg_per_min = "{:.2f}".format(step / acq_time * 60) # Scan header lines = [] specdata.append(("a", lines)) lines.append( "#S " + scannr + " hookscan " + str_from_dataset(fscan_params["motor"]) + " " + read_position(fscan_params, "start_pos", "{:.2f}") + " " + end_pos + " " + deg_per_min + " " + read_position(fscan_params, "acq_time", "{:.5f}", modif=lambda x: x * 1000) + " " + "\n" ) lines.append("#D " + start_time + "\n") lines.append( "#T " + read_position(fscan_params, "acq_time", "{:.5f}") + " (Seconds)\n" ) lines.append("#Q \n") for i, names in enumerate(MOTOR_NAMES): positions = " ".join( [read_position(positioners_start, name, "{:.4f}") for name in names] ) lines.append("#P{} ".format(i) + positions + "\n") lines.append("#UMI0 Current AutoM Shutter U26B_GAP \n") lines.append( "#UMI1" + " " + read_position(machine, "current", "{:.4f}") + " " + str_from_dataset(machine.get("automatic_mode")) + " " + str_from_dataset(machine.get("front_end")) + " " + read_position(positioners_start, "u26b", "{:.4f}") + "\n" ) lines.append( "#UMI2" + " Refill in " + str_from_dataset(machine.get("refill_countdown")) + " sec," + " Fill Mode: " + str_from_dataset(machine.get("mode")) + "," + " Op. Message: " + str_from_dataset(machine.get("message")) + "\n" ) lines.append( "#CR" + " Last robot sample loaded: " + str_from_dataset(robot.get("sample_label")) + "\n" ) # Slow counters slow_ctrs_spec = [ "blowerT", "Cryostream", "Cryostat", "Press_in", "Press_out", "monin", "bmon", ] slow_ctrs_fmt = ["%4.3f", "%4.3f", "%4.3f", "%7.4f", "%7.4f", "%.5e", "%.5e"] slow_ctrs_h5 = [ ("blower_in", False), ("ox700", False), ("ls340_A", False), ("pace_in", False), ("pace_press", False), ("monin", False), ("bmon", False), ] nslow_ctrs = len(slow_ctrs_spec) npts_slow = min_npts_ctrs(slow_data, slow_ctrs_h5) # Fast counters if "eiger" in fast_data: prefix = "eiger_roi" nchannels = 13 else: prefix = "ma" nchannels = 9 if rebin_data is None: fast_ctrs_spec = ( ["2_theta"] + ["MA{}".format(i) for i in range(nchannels)] + ["Monitor", "Epoch", "Omega"] ) fast_ctrs_fmt = ["%3.8f"] + ["%i"] * nchannels + ["%i", "%15.8f", "%3.8f"] fast_ctrs_h5 = ( ["tth"] + [prefix + str(i) for i in range(nchannels)] + ["mon", "epoch_trig", "om"] ) else: fast_ctrs_spec = ["Epoch", "Omega"] fast_ctrs_fmt = ["%3.8f"] * len(fast_ctrs_spec) fast_ctrs_h5 = ["epoch_trig", "om"] not_required = ["om"] fast_ctrs_h5 = [(name, name not in not_required) for name in fast_ctrs_h5] nfast_ctrs = len(fast_ctrs_spec) npts_fast = min_npts_ctrs(fast_data, fast_ctrs_h5) # Rebin counters if rebin_data is None: rebin_ctrs_h5 = [] rebin_ctrs_spec = [] rebin_ctrs_fmt = [] rebin_ctrs_h5 = [] else: rebin_ctrs_h5 = ["2th", "I_sum", "norm"] rebin_ctrs_spec = ["2_theta"] + [ f"{name}{i}" for name in ["MA", "Mon"] for i in list(range(nchannels)) + ["av"] ] rebin_ctrs_fmt = ( ["%3.8f"] + ["%i"] * nchannels + ["%3.8f"] + ["%i"] * nchannels + ["%3.8f"] ) rebin_ctrs_h5 = [(name, True) for name in rebin_ctrs_h5] nrebin_ctrs = len(rebin_ctrs_spec) npts_rebin = min_npts_ctrs(rebin_data, rebin_ctrs_h5) # Prepare data if npts_rebin: nrows = npts_rebin else: nrows = npts_fast ncols = nrebin_ctrs + nfast_ctrs + nslow_ctrs data = numpy.zeros((nrows, ncols)) ctrs_spec = rebin_ctrs_spec + fast_ctrs_spec + slow_ctrs_spec ctrs_fmt = rebin_ctrs_fmt + fast_ctrs_fmt + slow_ctrs_fmt rebinoff = 0 fastoff = nrebin_ctrs slowoff = nrebin_ctrs + nfast_ctrs # Read rebin data off = rebinoff for i, idata in read_ctrs(rebin_data, rebin_ctrs_h5, npts_rebin): if idata.ndim == 2: idata = idata.T nadd = idata.shape[-1] data[:, off : off + nadd] = idata off += nadd data[:, off] = numpy.mean(idata, axis=1) off += 1 else: data[:, off] = idata off += 1 # Read fast data + interpolate at rebinned 2-theta if npts_rebin: xnew = list(read_ctrs(rebin_data, [("2th", True)], npts_rebin))[0][-1] xold = list(read_ctrs(fast_data, [("tth", True)], npts_fast))[0][-1] for i, idata in read_ctrs(fast_data, fast_ctrs_h5, npts_fast): func = interp1d(xold, idata, kind="nearest", fill_value="extrapolate") try: data[:, fastoff + i] = func(xnew) except Exception: pass else: for i, idata in read_ctrs(fast_data, fast_ctrs_h5, npts_fast): data[:, fastoff + i] = idata # Read slow data + interpolate at fast epoch xold = list(read_ctrs(slow_data, [("epoch", True)], npts_slow))[0][-1] xnew = data[:, ctrs_spec.index("Epoch")] for i, idata in read_ctrs(slow_data, slow_ctrs_h5, npts_slow): func = interp1d(xold, idata, kind="nearest", fill_value="extrapolate") try: data[:, slowoff + i] = func(xnew) except Exception: pass # Scan data header lines = [] specdata.append(("a", lines)) lines.append("#N {}\n".format(ncols)) lines.append("#L " + " ".join(ctrs_spec) + "\n") # Scan data lines = [] specdata.append(("ab", lines)) f = io.BytesIO() numpy.savetxt(f, data, delimiter=" ", fmt=" ".join(ctrs_fmt)) lines.append(f.getbuffer()) lines.append(b"\n") return specdata
[docs]def read_ctrs(group, ctrs, npts): """Read datasets :param h5py.Group group: :param list(2-tuple) ctrs: :param int npts: :yield numpy.ndarray: """ for i, (name, must_exist) in enumerate(ctrs): try: dset = group[name] except KeyError: if must_exist: raise else: try: data = dset[:npts] except Exception as e: logger.warning( "skip counter data " + repr(name) + " (cause: " + str(e) + ")" ) else: if not len(data): logger.warning("no data in " + repr(name)) continue data[numpy.isnan(data)] = 0 yield i, data
[docs]def min_npts_ctrs(group, ctrs): """Smallest number of points of a group of datasets. :param h5py.Group group: :param list(2-tuple) ctrs: :returns int: """ if not ctrs: return 0 npts = [] for name, must_exist in ctrs: try: dset = group[name] except KeyError: if must_exist: raise else: npts.append(dset.shape[-1]) return min(npts)
[docs]def str_from_dataset(dataset): """Read dataset as a string :param h5py.Dataset dataset: :returns str: """ if isinstance(dataset, str): return dataset if dataset is None: return "UNKNOWN" try: return dataset.asstr()[()] except (AttributeError, TypeError): return str(dataset[()])
[docs]def read_position(grp, key, fmt, modif=None): """Read a motor position from grp[key], return "-999" when missing. :param h5py.Group grp: :param str key: :param callable or None modif: :returns str: """ if key in grp: pos = grp[key][()] if pos == "*DIS*": return str(-999) try: num = float(fmt.format(pos)) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Error in formatting motor position " + repr(key)) from e if modif: num = modif(num) return str(num) return str(-999)