2D Transformation#
Apply geometric transformations to images
- imagestack
One or multiple stacks of images as list of arraylikes
- transformations
One or multiple lists of transformations that are either represented by Transformations or 3x3 matrices
- url
Location to and in .h5-file where the resulting images/stacks will be saved as a dataset (one stack) or a group containing datasets (multiple stacks)
- inputs_are_stacks
If true: Will treat imagestack input of shape [B,N,H,W] as [B*N,H,W]
- crop
Only for translations: Crops the resulting images to remove all NaN-values
- interpolation_order:
Determines the order of interpolation used for resampling the image. See Other Concepts
- stack_names:
If several stacks and their names are provided, the resulting images will be saved using these names